Three Teenage Girls Tried To Kill Their Mom For Turning Off Wi-Fi

Hand cutting internet cable of router

Photo: joruba / iStock / Getty Images

In a shocking incident in Houston, Texas, three teenage sisters, aged 14, 15, and 16, were arrested for allegedly attempting to harm their mother after she turned off the Wi-Fi in their home. The incident occurred overnight on Sunday (March 23), when the girls reportedly grabbed kitchen knives and chased their mother through their house and into the street, attempting to stab her.

One of the sisters allegedly threw a brick, striking their 39-year-old mother in the ankle. Their 70-year-old grandmother was also knocked down while trying to protect the mother.

Despite the violent nature of the attack, authorities confirmed that neither the mother nor the grandmother sustained serious injuries. The Harris County Sheriff's Office stated that the three siblings coordinated a plan to try to kill their mother. The girls have been charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and are currently held at the Harris County Juvenile Detention Center.

The sheriff's office is continuing to investigate the incident.